Saturday, June 14, 2008


I needed a handle, and I wanted to use one of the Greek philosophers. I didn't want to use one of the Big Guns, mind you, like Plato or Aristotle, so I looked to the hardcore, oldschool, pre-Socratic dudes like Thales or Anaxagoras. Parmenides and Heraclitus are my favourites, but the names just didn't flow.

Zeno was the logical choice: short and cool sounding, it contains the words "zen" and "eno", giving it a kind of meditational ambient angle.

Zeno of Elea is best known for a famous paradox. He argued that movement of any kind is impossible, reasoning that in order to get from point A to point B, one must first pass the mid-way point, C. But, in order to get from A to C, one must first pass the AC mid-way point D, and so on, to infinity.

Basically, Zeno's paradox can be seen as never getting to where you're going due to infinite interruptions. Dissections, detours, digressions...why fight it? The name just sort of stuck.

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