The biggest blockage, however, involved indecision over which cover to use. Here is the original version:

I decided, in the end, to use a cover that tied in to the comic book embedded in the 'zine, wherein the protagonist gets kicked out of a local mall for sketching the infrastructure.
There are plenty of other sketches and commentaries that space restrictions and formatting would not permit inclusion in the 'zine version of Reality Sketch issue 1. Thanks to the magic of the internet, these are available here for anyone interested or bored enough to investigate.
Liuna Station

The Fakie Airwalk

Now, Mr. Barletta is a radical skater, and way more capable and daring than yours truly. But I've been doing backwards, or "fakie" airwalks for at least three years. Sure, I never do them down sets of stairs, as Barletta does in the picture, but I just want to set the record straight.
I half suspect, even though I've never seen video of him doing one, that Rodney Mullen was the first to do a fakie airwalk, just as he invented so many other crazy tricks.
Who Let the Cat Out?

I was very nervous when I started letting my cat out. I live down town, and I wasn't sure he'd be able to find his way off the roof and back. But he more than managed...he's now a very happy kitty and comes and goes as he pleases.
I like to write down my dreams. When I find dreams that I have written down from years gone past, they often make no sense. The memory of them and the "tone feeling" is gone. Sometimes I think that drawing them would be somehow more constructive.

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