Saturday, June 21, 2008

Greetings Earthlings

The humanoid author of this electronic communication format has summoned the cosmic entity Zeno of Aa-kro-n'n. I have wandered the vast interstellar wastes for several thousand of your Earth cycles, an exile from my native dimension where my eternal rule of the Moboz$ Time Machine Parking Facility was interrupted by the machinations of the nefarious CobuZan the Lizard Dance King, who has turned my domain into a giant reptilian discotheque.

Since my being deposed, I have been forced to roam the inter-galactic wilderness as a quantum particle beam, beholding many wondrous and mind-bending phenomena, yet unable to document my travels or make any contact with my allies in the Parking Enforcement Legions of Dimension X.

The use of my name by this Earth creature has allowed my aimlessly drifting, disembodied energy signature to take form in this soft tissue vessel, wherein I will take my enjoyment of the planet you Earthlings call home, and plot a means to return to my native realm to regain my rightful rule of the Moboz$ Parking Facility.

Though the means at my disposal are crude by pan-dimensional standards, I will also attempt to enlighten the fleshy humanoids of this sphere by recreating and recounting aspects of my interstellar journeying. Remember Moboz$!


Anonymous said...

Wow. That was the weirdest thing ever! What just happened? Where did that post come from? Why does my head hurt? Who changed my Blogger profile?
This is really strange.

Zeno said...

Fear not Earthling. You have unwittingly appropriated the name of a the Great Monarch of the Time Machine Parking Facility of Moboz$, the Interstellar One-Stop Shopping Galleria and Pleasure Palace.

I must appropriate your fleshy carapace for a time, but will take care to preserve your primitive consciousness. As direct access to the vast storehouse of cosmic information that I have accumulated in my travels would be too much for your limited mentality to process, I will safeguard your mind from total madness by implanting it, for a time, in the body of your house cat, Moffy.

You will thus have the singular honour of being the first fully sentient feline in the history of your planet.