Thursday, August 14, 2008

Nothin Doin

Doing nothing is so fulfilling! My internet is not working properly, hence the enforced blog vacation. I've tried everything to get it back up and running, but to no avail. Next week, I've hired a witch doctor to exocise my laptop. He claims it is possessed of evil spirits and needs a thourough cleansing. I'm willing to try anything at this point.

If anyone knows why on earth my wireless is connected, but neither Firefox nor Explorer is able to load pages, please let me know. (Not that I'll be able to check up very often).

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Still Vacationing

When I say I'm still vacationing, I mean just that: I'm sitting perfectly still for two or three weeks, thinking about what to do with Reality Sketch. Thus, I have no time to actually post anything new on this blog.